Ancestral Regeneration
Deconstructing colonialism through the body of time
As a species, we humans hold within us all the past triumphs and traumas of those who came before us. The field of epigenetics is helping those embedded in a Eurocentric paradigm to understand how we pass down both trauma and resiliency through our DNA coupled with environmental and relational conditions. The Western scientific mind is slowly catching up to the wisdom of Indigenous science, which has always known that we carry the wounds and gifts of our Ancestors. We often acknowledge that healing oneself in present time stops the cycle of violence or dysfunction from being passed onto future generations.
Within an Indigenous worldview, the Ancestors include those who have come before us, and those who are yet unborn; the Ancestors are past and future relations. Thus, the healing we accomplish within ourselves is also experienced backward and forward. Time is experienced as a spiral, where past, present and future are accessed in a single moment. This creates a sense of personal responsibility in the healing of our familial legacies of trauma and oppression, both as the perpetrators and/or victims of these legacies. Trauma rips us from a sense of true belonging to the world, Ancestral Regeneration works to directly heal those splits by engaging participants in a multi-level process of research, discovery, and accountability that is personal to each person’s Ancestral heritage.