Regeneration Process Method

Transformation that moves through time


Created by Dr. Ame Cutler, the Regeneration Process Method provides a framework for  deconstructing what has impacted our ability to live  in a reciprocal relationship with Nature and embrace the principles of Regeneration which are embedded in our Indigenous roots.

RPM supports the deconstruction of  internalized beliefs based in an oppressive system. It combines the healing of transgenerational trauma in-community, and the reconnection of the individual to the wisdom of their Ancestors and the natural world so that we may bring about planetary well-being for generations to come.

The Regeneration Process Method is a complete transformational process that leads to regenerative action.  RPM is designed to also compliment current psychotherapies, social justice frameworks, educational processes, community regeneration, and business practice.

A Somatic-Spiritual approach to Transform Outdated ways of Co-Existing

A Restorative process to Return Personal and Collective Vitality

Deep Personal and Collective Inquiry

An Essential tool for the 4th Phase of Trauma Treatment

A Comprehensive 6 phase process that Supports the Emerging Commitment to Regenerative Action

“RPM is the crucial fourth phase in healing trauma that the field of psychology has been missing. A phase that begins where personal healing ends and collective transformation begins. This is what makes RPM revolutionary - it bridges the gap between personal and collective healing. Between processing trauma and preventing it. Between recovery and justice. It is the missing piece that survivors have been waiting for. ”

— Dr. Ame Cutler

Apply the 6 Phases of the Regeneration Process Method to:

  • Help to heal transgenerational trauma in yourself and others.

  • Work with eco-anxiety, helplessness, and grief in your community.

  • Challenge privilege and confront systemic racism and oppression

  • Integrate spirituality as a necessary means to lasting change.

  • Engage in collective healing through regenerative action.

Dr. Ame Cutler

“Now is the time in our shared human history to listen to the collective Indigenous voice and to re-member the principles of regeneration, to understand what it means to live a regenerative life, and to apply this understanding to taking regenerative action that benefits the individual and the collective.”

Upcoming Workshops & Retreats