
Regenerative Action begins here

The Transgenerational Regeneration Institute offers learning communities grounded in the renewal of connection. A community in which you are supported to create positive social change that matches your unique contribution and calling, while you re-member and align with the natural pace of life. Each offering is considered its own self-organizing system of regeneration. All are welcome to join!

Workshops - Retreats - Courses - Group Facilitation - Mentorship

Online RPM Mentorship Group for Alumni

Online RPM Mentorship Group for Alumni

This gathering is designed to support the ongoing practices of regeneration and regenerative action for alumni (those who have taken the 2 Day RPM Workshop and/or the 7 Day RPM Retreat. This is the time to ask questions, share experiences, and receive support in your intentions to create lasting regenerative change.

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RPM 2 Day Workshop: Minneapolis, MN
to Apr 5

RPM 2 Day Workshop: Minneapolis, MN

Explores the fundamental concepts and practice of the Regeneration Process Method [RPM]. This workshop is designed to be both regenerative and stimulating for participants who are curious about how they can engage in resolving the climate crisis through regenerative actions that help heal transgenerational trauma, reconnect to Ancestral wisdom, and co-create personal and global systemic change.

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Online RPM Mentorship Group for Alumni

Online RPM Mentorship Group for Alumni

This gathering is designed to support the ongoing practices of regeneration and regenerative action for alumni (those who have taken the 2 Day RPM Workshop and/or the 7 Day RPM Retreat. This is the time to ask questions, share experiences, and receive support in your intentions to create lasting regenerative change.

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RPM 2 Day Workshop: Portland, Oregon
to May 31

RPM 2 Day Workshop: Portland, Oregon

Explores the fundamental concepts and practice of the Regeneration Process Method [RPM]. This workshop is designed to be both regenerative and stimulating for participants who are curious about how they can engage in resolving the climate crisis through regenerative actions that help heal transgenerational trauma, reconnect to Ancestral wisdom, and co-create personal and global systemic change.

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RPM 2 Day Workshop: Dublin, Ireland
to Jul 6

RPM 2 Day Workshop: Dublin, Ireland

Explores the fundamental concepts and practice of the Regeneration Process Method [RPM]. This workshop is designed to be both regenerative and stimulating for participants who are curious about how they can engage in resolving the climate crisis through regenerative actions that help heal transgenerational trauma, reconnect to Ancestral wisdom, and co-create personal and global systemic change.

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7 Day RPM Retreat Course in Italy
to Jul 21

7 Day RPM Retreat Course in Italy

7 Day RPM Retreat Course—In-depth exploration of the 6 phases of the Regeneration Process Method [RPM]. This course is designed to be personally regenerative and growth inspiring. Participants will be supported to go through each of the 6 phases of RPM while building community in a beautiful retreat setting. The week begins by exploring each person’s commitment to systemic change and culminates in personal and communal regenerative action projects supported by the entire cohort.

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RPM 2 Day Workshop: San Francisco, California
to Sep 14

RPM 2 Day Workshop: San Francisco, California

Explores the fundamental concepts and practice of the Regeneration Process Method [RPM]. This workshop is designed to be both regenerative and stimulating for participants who are curious about how they can engage in resolving the climate crisis through regenerative actions that help heal transgenerational trauma, reconnect to Ancestral wisdom, and co-create personal and global systemic change.

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RPM 2 Day Workshop: London, England
to Feb 23

RPM 2 Day Workshop: London, England

Explores the fundamental concepts and practice of the Regeneration Process Method [RPM]. This workshop is designed to be both regenerative and stimulating for participants who are curious about how they can engage in resolving the climate crisis through regenerative actions that help heal transgenerational trauma, reconnect to Ancestral wisdom, and co-create personal and global systemic change.

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RPM 2 Day Workshop: Minneapolis, MN
to Oct 26

RPM 2 Day Workshop: Minneapolis, MN

The Regeneration Process Method [RPM] provides a framework for transformation that extends through time to both past and future generations. It is a comprehensive process that restores our personal and collective energy, giving us more vitality for lasting systemic change.

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7 Day RPM Retreat Course in Ireland
to Jul 5

7 Day RPM Retreat Course in Ireland

The Regeneration Process Method [RPM] provides a framework for transformation that extends through time to both past and future generations. It is a comprehensive process that restores our personal and collective energy, giving us more vitality for lasting systemic change.

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RPM Retreat Style Course: Starting Oct 12, Italy
to Oct 15

RPM Retreat Style Course: Starting Oct 12, Italy

The Regeneration Process Method [RPM] provides a framework for transformation that extends through time to both past and future generations. It is a comprehensive process that restores our personal and collective energy, giving us more vitality for lasting systemic change.

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RPM Introduction Workshop: Milano, Italy
to Jul 2

RPM Introduction Workshop: Milano, Italy

The Regeneration Process Method [RPM] provides a framework for transformation that extends through time to both past and future generations. It is a comprehensive process that restores our personal and collective energy, giving us more vitality for lasting systemic change.

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RPM Introduction Workshop: Dublin, Ireland
to Mar 12

RPM Introduction Workshop: Dublin, Ireland

The Regeneration Process Method [RPM] provides a framework for transformation that extends through time to both past and future generations. It is a comprehensive process that restores our personal and collective energy, giving us more vitality for lasting systemic change.

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RPM Introduction Workshop: Milano, Italy
to Mar 5

RPM Introduction Workshop: Milano, Italy

The Regeneration Process Method [RPM] provides a framework for transformation that extends through time to both past and future generations. It is a comprehensive process that restores our personal and collective energy, giving us more vitality for lasting systemic change.

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Track Through TRI Offerings

Track One: Personal and Community Regenerative Practitioner

Regeneration Process Method [RPM]

The Regeneration Process Method provides a framework for deconstructing what has impacted our ability to live in a reciprocal relationship with Nature and embrace the principles of Regeneration which are embedded in our Indigenous roots. RPM supports the deconstruction of internalized beliefs based in an oppressive system. It combines the healing of transgenerational trauma in-community, the reconnection of the individual to the wisdom of their Ancestors, and a re-membering of their place in the natural world so that we may bring about planetary well-being for generations to come. RPM is an essential next step in healing the legacies we carry in our personal and collective lineages. 

A Personal and Community Regenerative Practitioner Certificate of Completion is awarded following the successful completion of all 3 RPM Track One Offerings.

2 Day RPM Workshop

Explores the fundamental concepts and practice of the Regeneration Process Method [RPM]. This workshop is designed to be both regenerative and stimulating for participants. Together through short lectures, experiential exercises, and reflective sharing participants begin the process of deconstructing cultural and familial belief systems that unconsciously contribute to climate change and social inequity, while engaging in the initial work of remembering their Ancestral wisdom. This workshop is for anyone who is curious about how they can engage in regenerative actions that help heal transgenerational trauma, reverse global warming, and co-create personal and global systemic change. 

*(Prerequisite for the 7 Day Residential RPM Retreat Course)

7 Day RPM Residential Retreat Course

An in-depth exploration of the 6 phases of the Regeneration Process Method [RPM]. This course is designed to be personally regenerative and growth inspiring. Through short lectures, experiential exercises, and personal reflective time participants are supported to go through each of the 6 phases of RPM while building community in a beautiful retreat setting. Participants are encouraged to bring Ancestral stories with them as a focal point for healing transgenerational trauma held within their familial lineage. The week begins by exploring each person’s commitment to regenerative change and culminates in personal and communal regenerative action projects supported by the entire cohort. 

*(Prerequisite for the 3 Day RPM Follow Up Residential Retreat)

3 Day RPM Follow Up Residential Retreat

This 3 Day RPM course is a follow up gathering focused on supporting collective completion of personal or small group regenerative action projects.  It is an opportunity to reconnect with your cohort and further support each other in maintaining the commitment to personal and collective regeneration.

Track Two: Ancestral and Community Regenerative Practitioner

Ancestral Regeneration [AR]

Based on the 6 phases of the Regeneration Process Method, Ancestral Regeneration is an engaged process of recovering a reverent relationship with one’s Ancestors. It supports participants to discover the gifts, the wounds, and the wounding of their lineage. Together through multi-level inquiry we learn to hold accountability for the past actions of our Ancestors and to heal them in connection with others. In doing so, we engage in a deeper conversation with the world and learn to live in right-relationship with our history. Transgenerational trauma rips us from a sense of deep belonging to the natural world. Ancestral Regeneration reconnects us. This track is for all who want to explore the deeper healing that is possible when we gather the stories from our Ancestors’ traditional homelands, their migrations, and what has been lost along the way. 

An Ancestral and Community Regenerative Practitioner Certificate of Completion is awarded following the successful completion of all 3 Ancestral Regeneration Track Two Offerings.

3 Day Ancestral Regeneration Workshop

Explores the fundamental concepts and practice of Ancestral Regeneration. This workshop is designed to deepen participants curiosity and reverence for their Ancestors. Together through short lectures, experiential exercises, and reflective sharing participants begin the process of re-membering their Ancestral past and futures, embracing Ancestral wisdom, and holding accountability for degenerative actions taken in an oppressive system. This workshop is considered an advanced experience of the Regeneration Process Method [RPM]. It is for anyone who is committed to the personal and Ancestral deconstruction necessary to heal collective transgenerational trauma and embrace a regenerative life in community with others. 

*(Prerequisite for the Ancestral Regeneration Residential Retreat Course)

9 Day Ancestral Regeneration Residential Retreat Course

This course combines three 3-day residential retreats over a one year period to allow for the depth of discovery in personal and cultural Ancestral history. Ancestral Regeneration combines multiple ways of knowing akin to Ancestral wisdom and specific Indigenous knowledge from each participant’s lineage. Through short lectures, experiential exercises, and personal storytelling participants are supported heal their Ancestral past through a process of reverence and accountability for the gifts and the wounding of their family lineage. Together we learn to step out of the paralysis of guilt and shame as we reclaim our full Ancestral past with the support of the entire cohort. Each 3-day retreat expands on the themes of wisdom from our Ancestral homelands, our family migration stories, and the reclamation of Ancestors as advisors to the living. The final 3-day retreat includes creating a culminating Ancestral and Community Regenerative Project designed by each participant reflective of their personalized commitment to supporting their community in Ancestral regeneration and transgenerational healing.

*(Prerequisite for the 3 Day Ancestral Regeneration Follow Up Residential Retreat)

3 Day Ancestral Regeneration Follow Up Residential Retreat

This 3 Day Ancestral Regeneration course is a follow up gathering focused on the collective completion and presentation of each participant’s Ancestral and Community Regenerative Projects.  It is an opportunity to reconnect with your cohort and further support each other in maintaining the commitment to Ancestral and collective regeneration.

Track Three: Mentor & Teacher Training

Become a Regenerative Teacher or Mentor for the Transgenerational Regeneration Institute

At TRI we understand that in order to create regenerative change we need each other. We want you to bring what you have learned into your own communities, and we will support you to do that. After successful completion of Track One and Track Two you are eligible to apply to our Teacher or Mentor Training Program. If accepted we will support your growth in becoming a teacher, or mentor for us in your part of our shared world. 

Additional Workshops:

Following Your Calling: Finding Meaning in Life

3 Day workshop - This workshop combines somatic and spiritual wisdom as it supports participants to connect with their life’s purpose. This offering is for anyone who is feeling helpless, hopeless, or apathetic about the conditions in our shared world and are curious about how their individual life can contribute to regenerative change, systemic transformation, and climate recovery. Through short lectures, experiential exercises, and personal reflection we address the loss of meaning that so many of us feel in current times. This workshop emphasizes both the personal and collective calling that our changing world beckons us to step into.  

Death & Rebirth: Allowing Grief as Nutrient for New Beginnings

3 Day workshop—This workshop explores the benefits of grief in creating regenerative change. Our current times present each of us with an opportunity to let go of outdated ways of existing that have maintained oppressive systems and kept us from living in right-relationship with the natural environment and each other. As we grapple with global warming, climate collapse, and increasing global inequities, many of us are experiencing the grief that comes with the loss of life as we once knew it, or the loss of a future that once may have seemed guaranteed. This workshop provides a context for grieving what we have lost and what we need to let go of in order to create systemic transformation and collective engagement in climate recovery. Through short lectures, experiential exercises, and personal reflection participants will grow to understand their Ancestral patterns of grief and loss, and explore why it is essential that we now bring grief to the surface to be processed, personally and collectively. Together we will grow in our understanding of the role of loss in the cycle of regeneration, and how each of us can create opportunities to actively grieve a new beginning into being. 

Integrating Ancestors into the Treatment Frame

3 Day workshop—This workshop offers those in the healing professions a deeper understanding of the 3 phases of trauma treatment (still considered the gold standard of care) and provides an introduction to a 4th phase of trauma treatment in which personal healing transitions to collective healing. Through short lectures, experiential exercises, and demonstrations participants will learn the foundations of integrating a client’s Ancestors into the healing frame.  By including a client’s Ancestral past in each phase of treatment, we are then able to more effectively address the transgenerational trauma that they carry, resolving it for the client, and for their Ancestral lineage. 

*(This workshop can be considered a prerequisite for the Regeneration Process Method 7 Day Residential Retreat Course). 

Deconstruction of White Identity through the Body: A somatic approach to anti-racist work

3 Day workshop—This workshop is for anyone who is curious about how white identity is held in the body through posture, gesture, expression, and movement. By exploring the somatic narrative of white privilege and white supremacy we are better able to deconstruct the familial and cultural belief systems that have contributed to social and racial inequity, global warming and climate change. Through short lectures, experiential exercises, and personal reflection participants are invited to enter a process of self-discovery as together we become conscious of outdated patterns and ways of life passed down through familial and societal “norms.” These patterns of embodied privilege, when brought to awareness, often elicit shame. In this workshop participants will be supported to see how this shame too is a reflection of how the embodied white identity unconsciously maintains itself.  

*(This workshop can be considered a prerequisite for the Ancestral Regeneration 9 Day Residential Retreat Course).

Interested in our offerings?

Interested in participating or helping organize one of the above offerings in your area. Please get in touch to learn more.